
澳洲可瑞比(Karibee)蜂场起源,追溯于1900年Peter Detchon (彼得)外祖父养蜂场,至今已有百年历史。彼得在二战期间出生于英格兰,在伦敦大学求学,完成博士学位之后,移居澳大利亚。在英联邦科学与工业组织园艺研究部门任研究科学家。期间1960年祖父过世的时候,彼得继承了外祖父蜂场。彼得把他的科学研究经验运用到养蜂上。彼得继承外祖父蜂场从1960年开始都是以家族式经营,现已转变成民营企业模式,更科学的管理经营蜂场。彼得联合西澳大利亚养蜂人,带头要求西澳大利亚立法禁止西澳大利亚在蜜蜂身上使用抗生素。西澳大利亚政府实施这项规定,并且禁止进口可能携带蜜蜂传染病的蜂蜜或者其他蜂产品。这些规定时至今日仍在执行,强有力的防止了西澳大利亚的蜂蜜受外来病毒的感染,并使西澳大利亚的蜂场管理中不使用任何化学物品,保证生产的蜂蜜成为世界上最干净的蜂蜜。因此,西澳大利亚不存在瓦螨,所以蜜蜂饲养殖过程中无需使用杀螨剂。可瑞比(Karibee)蜂场和西澳大利亚的所有养蜂人一样,在蜜蜂养殖和蜂产品生产过程中,没有使用添加任何的化学产品和抗生素,因为所有的蜂蜜都来源于本地国家公园,保护区,中西部国家深林,西澳大利亚下西区和西南区的蜂场,不含任何农药。

Dr. Peter Detchon Founder of Karibee Honey

Peter was born in England during World War II and was first introduced to beekeeping by his grandfather in 1947 when he was a little boy.

Later, Peter’s strong interest in nature and biology led him to undertake studies at London University and so the beehives were put aside.

During his studies he became interested in medical research and so, after graduating with a degree in Chemistry and Physiology, he started working on the links between aerial pollutants and lung cancer at the Chester Beatty Research Institute in London.

Peter furthered his studies by completing a doctorate in Biochemistry at Sheffield University, but the real attraction at that time was being able to escape the city and spend time in the nearby Peak District National Park.

On returning to Australia, Peter worked as a Research Scientist with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization (CSIRO) in the Division of Horticultural Research. It was there that Peter and Jenny met through their common interest in scientific research.

Peter, however, couldn’t help but apply his scientific and research background to the bees and was soon artificially inseminating queen bees as part of his program to breed disease-resistant “Hygienic” bees. As a result, no chemicals are used in the management of beehives in WA, thus preserving our honey as amongst the cleanest in the world.

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